Freedom Cartoon Dr Lori ToddLoving Your Unacceptable sides.
What are your unacceptable behaviors/sides? What do you hate to be? What behavior in yourself or others do you resist?

Fearful, greedy, angry, sexy, quiet, bold, cheap, spend freely, sad, dead, dramatic…. Whatever you resist or disown about yourself will take on a life of it’s own. What are the prices of locking those parts of you away in the shadows? You will be exhausted, have low energy, get sick, be far less effective at relating to people, and have less power and freedom in expressing your unique self and leaving a legacy on this planet. It takes an extraordinary amount of energy to keep aspects of us hidden. What if your power was actually in all the parts of you that you deny? What if the parts of you that are not OKAY with hold your gifts?
Dr. Lori Todd